You are currently browsing articles tagged independent-artists.
Ben Goldacre writes the fantastic column Bad Science, in which he takes journalists to task for reporting poorly researched conclusions. I wonder if he’d consider expanding his field to include bad audio technology writing. He might start with Lee Gomes’s article in the Wall Street Journal, Are Technology Limits In MP3s and iPods Ruining Pop […]
Read the full post ...Tags: independent-artists, loudnesswars, MP3-compression, music-business
Like most folk, I enjoyed the recent NY Times’ article on Rick Rubin and Columbia Records. And while the portrayal of Rubin as larger-than-life-messiah borders on caricature, the article still advances some sage thinking on Columbia’s woes: Columbia didn’t want Rubin to punch a clock. It wanted him to save the company. And just maybe […]
Read the full post ...Tags: independent-artists, music-business, myths