Linkin Park’s singles often inspire the question “haven’t they already written this song?” An mp3 that does the rounds from time to time mixes Numb (on the left) and Pushing Me Away (on the right) to illustrate this with almost comical effect: All Linken Park Songs Sound Exactly The Same.
As shown below, and forgive the hyperbole, much more than they sound the same all Linkin Park songs look the same. And while it’s easy to criticize the band for their overuse of a formula that’s by now cliche, the similarity between their tracks at least holds a lesson on the importance of song arrangement in pop music production.
The Linkin Park Formula
The standard Linkin Park structure looks like this:
- Quiet intro: Each song has a relatively quiet two-measure intro.
- The instrumental kicker: The full band come in together on the down-beat, and play two or four high energy measures, usually instrumental.
- Quiet verse: The song eases off for a verse or two, heightening the dynamic contrast between the song’s sections.
- Heavy chorus: Usually the same chords established in the kicker, with Chester screaming over top for added emotion.
Here’s how it “looks” in practice. Each image below shows the audio level in (roughly) the first 90 seconds of a Linkin Park song. Note that I adjusted the tempo of a few tracks for better visual alignment:
If the pattern isn’t clear to you, mouse-over each image to highlight the 4 sections: Intro, kicker, verse, chorus. And click the title to hear the song on Youtube.
There’s nothing particularly surprising or innovative about the structure. But its repeated use by Linkin Park is clearly successful: They’re one of a few acts still selling lots of CDs.
Why It Works
There are several reasons why this song formula works, and whether or not you record pop music, understanding the reasons will make you a better producer:
Dynamic contrast: Our senses are drawn to change (remember why we listen to reference tracks while mixing?) so we find dynamic, evolving sounds more interesting. The up-and-down of a typical Linkin Park song grabs listeners’ attention on an instinctive level.
Memorable hooks: Because it’s often jarring, the kicker at the start of Linkin Park’s songs is memorable, and makes for a great hook. Pop songs hit or miss mainly on the effectiveness of their hooks.
Familiarity: For lovers, it breeds contempt. For pop music artists, familiarity breeds fans. It’s a truism in the traditional music industry that to succeed, a band needs a “sound.” Linkin Park’s re-use of the same basic song structure makes their music instantly recognizable, and lets their listeners feel immediately comfortable with new material.
Again, you may not write or record pop music. You may even despise the stuff. But knowing why a band would choose to re-use a formula like this will help you make better decisions about your own song arrangements (even if only to avoid having your music compared to Linkin Park.)
Cheap Gimmick?
What does this say about Linkin Park’s music?
On one hand, the band and their producers deserve kudos for finding and exploiting a successful formula. They’re in the entertainment business, after all, and appealing to fans is any entertainer’s number one job.
On the other hand, it’s hard not to view the six images above as a statement on the music industry. The major labels decry the actions of listeners who download music from free sources. But this is the alternative they offer: The same song, repackaged six different ways. The vast majority of music listeners who aren’t Linkin Park fans ask the same question I did in the first sentence, “Haven’t they already written this song?” And the obvious follow-up question, “Why would I pay for it more than once?”
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Linkin Park sucks.
Old article, but I do feel like you could def do this with a ton of bands. Like you said, many people like the heavy/soft dynamic, and I’m sure you could take 2 bands that sound nothing like each other and do this same exercise. All you did was show similarities in peaks. That said, I personally like LP and I do remember that when I first heard “Numb,” I immediately thought of “Pushing Me Away,” but not because of what you outline hear. I heard two songs that have limited use of Mike rapping in the verse, except for right before the chorus, and they are smoother, more melodic tracks with a rather “epic” chorus. The harmonic intro in “Pushing Me Away” is also very similar to the sampled intro of “Numb.”
i don’t know…..
i actually find this funny. a music webpage for blogging etc, yet your saying their music sounds the same just by they way it builds up in your diagramme. in which with your diagram your pretty much saying, oh and words with that included, that shadow of the day, faint sound the same, numb and my december sound the same. yes some parts of some songs do sound similar, like in the end and numb, their chorus’s do sound the same, but if you really know what your doing you’d know that well, they’re using different chords (meaning it not the same)
the lay out maybe the same, gental intro into heavy intro.
now anyway, since your trying to prove they sound the same in ALL their songs, put points of authority with first verse of hanhs held high and tell me they sound the same
oh and a little more
“Hometracked is a blog and resource for indie artists, amateur recording engineers, and music producers”
you may want to change that, because whats at top of page aint nothing to do with that.
No, Jason. They all *look* the same. RTFA before ranting, ya?
huh! but the quality of songs still capture a lot of fans!
i dunno what u r tryin to prove
but linkin park is proved to be a succesful band
I don’t really care if they’re look the same. What important to me about music is they’re sound great, that’s all. :)
I think your observation holds true for their first 2 albums (Hybrid Theory and Meteora). If you listen to their third effort, Minutes to Midnight, you’ll see that they’ve almost completely discarded their “formulaic sound” and gone in a new direction. Apart from 1/2 songs, all have very different structures.
They’ve grown as a band a lot. With the 4th album, A Thousand Suns, they are even taking the risk of making it a concept record (about the atomic bomb). So yeah, they aren’t the same old “nu-metal” group they once used to be.
Jason Kay, better known as Jamiroquai, has admitted of writing variations of exactly the same song in every successful album he’s ever released; in an interview he said he will continue to do so until people buy his album. And why not?
This is to say that Linkin Park are not alone, at the end is up to what people want to listen and buy.
Well, Linkin park is not alone.
A lot of musicians these days sound like their record is cracked. Every song skips to the same old piece over and over and over and over again.
I am wondering how this sells?
And by the way:
I want to puke about these female singers with their trying-to-be-sexy-just copying-Madonna-stuff.
Singers of all genres, please QUIT THE SHIT: And start making videos again!!!
Pro painstaking phase, I’m searching a good release enjoy this situation. Now My spouse and i bear found the idea. Data informed ones berbagi, chap!
m frm india n i love linkin park, love their songs n the way they are, cool young guys with free spirit n energy, they are like us, its like u can talk to them anytime, i find a connection with them. n even if they fail , m with them cuz their songs were with me in my hard time. u can say m young n knw nothing bout rock music, u may b true, their songs have meaning n msg in them. i like the way chester n mike sings. n dont forget they work hard , so ppl who says they are for teenagers or dont knw music , its their opinion. lps may b nt gud as rock legends but they reach out our hearts n thats what matters above all as far as music is concerned.
Thank you Dr. Spoke…you have proven what I always expected. LP sucks and just plays top 40 formula based music while trying to act “alternative”…
What did you expect? Everything about Linkin Park is formulaic. Aside from their clear use of the same exact song structure just look at the band members. They use the same exact punk rock look used by every MTV “punk rock” artist (actually i shouldnt call them artists, lets say bands) on mainstream TV today. It looks like they put Dead Kennedys, the Ramones, a few goatee’s and some black dye in a blender. They threw on a few instruments, learned a couple of power chords and with a little luck, stumbled upon a very attractive song structure and decided their work was done. Point is, linkin park music is not art, nor are their members artists. Punk rock used to be about expressing discontent about society and expelling the senseless rage of youth. Now its about looking cool, acting tough and whining about stupid shit.
love the way chester n mike collaborate with each other..chester has an amazing voice n i dont think there is any one around who can sing like him
screaming n next second sing so melodiously..
their concerts are full n i love their live in texas- especially point of authourity..they are gud live performers
they are amazing n yeah they have formula ..tht is hardwork
in the end is a nice song n same as ‘new divide’ n if u listen them..both song sound diffrent..
i guess thier music was (hybid n meteora)all bout expressing the suppressive side of youth..well sometimes we all feel to shout..n scream n sometime without even a reason..n they provide a way..their music is catheraic at times
we all have mood swing n if we can …we should express it..n they provide a way..atleast to is one of the reason , apart from that they are amazing..lyrics n all that
leave out all the rest is also a lovely song
n if that Dr spoke is for me then thanks for the compliment
i love the way chester n mike collaborate with each other…n chester has an amazing voice..i dont think there is any around who can scream like him n next second sing so melodiously..they are good live performers..their concerts are full..n yeah they have a formula n that is hardwork…
i love live in texas especially their song point of authority and talkiingbout same music..u can listen ”in the end’ and ”new divide” n both are diffrent songs…
they are amazing..n represent the part of us where we want to complain n scream sumtyms..n its gud way to just throw it all with music
we need all kind of music..thats all i want to say..
i love them
@ Mikey Keyz
Obviously you don’t like Linkin Park which makes your arguments biased.
This whole article is biased. In fact, if you take any successful band, 6 of their hit songs and analyse them you will get the same result.
Linkin park has made over studio 50 songs! You pick out 6 and think that’s a good argument for lack of innovation?!?!
If you can’t do simple statistics then leave it to those who can!
Get f* academic and do your work properly!
That’s right, dude. You can’s just pick up a couple of songs and say that all the other ones look the same. And God bless that formula, that keeps LP on top.
BTW, who said LP’s playing pop music? You should learn to distinguish between different genres and then write your bloody biased articles.
bullshit…you hear me ????
i guess my comments were not in order..sending failied at that time
so what? a lot of bands songs all look the same and similar to this. A slow and soft start then louder and louder then middle softness and loud to finish
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