Linkin Park’s singles often inspire the question “haven’t they already written this song?” An mp3 that does the rounds from time to time mixes Numb (on the left) and Pushing Me Away (on the right) to illustrate this with almost comical effect: All Linken Park Songs Sound Exactly The Same.
As shown below, and forgive the hyperbole, much more than they sound the same all Linkin Park songs look the same. And while it’s easy to criticize the band for their overuse of a formula that’s by now cliche, the similarity between their tracks at least holds a lesson on the importance of song arrangement in pop music production.
The Linkin Park Formula
The standard Linkin Park structure looks like this:
- Quiet intro: Each song has a relatively quiet two-measure intro.
- The instrumental kicker: The full band come in together on the down-beat, and play two or four high energy measures, usually instrumental.
- Quiet verse: The song eases off for a verse or two, heightening the dynamic contrast between the song’s sections.
- Heavy chorus: Usually the same chords established in the kicker, with Chester screaming over top for added emotion.
Here’s how it “looks” in practice. Each image below shows the audio level in (roughly) the first 90 seconds of a Linkin Park song. Note that I adjusted the tempo of a few tracks for better visual alignment:
If the pattern isn’t clear to you, mouse-over each image to highlight the 4 sections: Intro, kicker, verse, chorus. And click the title to hear the song on Youtube.
There’s nothing particularly surprising or innovative about the structure. But its repeated use by Linkin Park is clearly successful: They’re one of a few acts still selling lots of CDs.
Why It Works
There are several reasons why this song formula works, and whether or not you record pop music, understanding the reasons will make you a better producer:
Dynamic contrast: Our senses are drawn to change (remember why we listen to reference tracks while mixing?) so we find dynamic, evolving sounds more interesting. The up-and-down of a typical Linkin Park song grabs listeners’ attention on an instinctive level.
Memorable hooks: Because it’s often jarring, the kicker at the start of Linkin Park’s songs is memorable, and makes for a great hook. Pop songs hit or miss mainly on the effectiveness of their hooks.
Familiarity: For lovers, it breeds contempt. For pop music artists, familiarity breeds fans. It’s a truism in the traditional music industry that to succeed, a band needs a “sound.” Linkin Park’s re-use of the same basic song structure makes their music instantly recognizable, and lets their listeners feel immediately comfortable with new material.
Again, you may not write or record pop music. You may even despise the stuff. But knowing why a band would choose to re-use a formula like this will help you make better decisions about your own song arrangements (even if only to avoid having your music compared to Linkin Park.)
Cheap Gimmick?
What does this say about Linkin Park’s music?
On one hand, the band and their producers deserve kudos for finding and exploiting a successful formula. They’re in the entertainment business, after all, and appealing to fans is any entertainer’s number one job.
On the other hand, it’s hard not to view the six images above as a statement on the music industry. The major labels decry the actions of listeners who download music from free sources. But this is the alternative they offer: The same song, repackaged six different ways. The vast majority of music listeners who aren’t Linkin Park fans ask the same question I did in the first sentence, “Haven’t they already written this song?” And the obvious follow-up question, “Why would I pay for it more than once?”
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I actually create original ambient, techno, and noise music in Audacity, largely by what the soundpath looks like. I have become familiar with what various effects and volumes look like in the soundpath and can fine tune tiny segments judging by the visual aspects.
I hope it’s okay to include my MySpace Music page link here, if anyone’s interested.
I applaud the author of this post, and have bookmarked this blog in my favorites.
Visual soundpathing is a good way to technically evaluate a song. As I said in my previous comment, it’s a big tool in my own music creation.
Iannis Xenakis and other mathematical classic composers experimented with feeding images and math data into computers to generate original music, “stochastic” sounds.
This topic is too intellectual for posers who defend the music they worship and they will not tolerate any critique.
I dig the article. I think that the visual representation was good, but we shouldn’t read into it. The intro, loud chorus, less loud verse, loud chorus, bridge chorus method has been around forever and will stick around.
Its pleasing to the human ear. Regardless of what the pictures day I think it would be a stretch to say that all of these songs “sound the same”.
Crawwwwwling in my skin, this orange will not peallll! :D As I have been listening to Linkin Park for 7+ years it is true. I never noticed it until I read this. They really do it alot.
Yea i feel you just wasted a large part of your life, linkin park are great and who cares if they set some songs out the same way? thats just pathetic that you spent so much time and effort to find out something that I and more than likely a lot of others do not give a damn about.
Thank-You and Goodnight.
Linkin Park! LOL
How can they call therselves “musics”?
So their songs come off a conveyor belt, good for them. They don’t have day jobs. If it were really so simple, everyone in here would be a rock star – you aren’t. And Linkin Park is.
These are all for the most part the songs that Chester Bennington was the focal point of, LP did plenty of songs that were more rap-oriented with Shinoda as the front man that didn’t necessarily follow this formula. I Don’t know, despite how it’s counter-culture cool to hate linkin park, I still listen to Hybrid Theory and Meteora from time to time, but I can’t really dispute that these songs are pretty much the same thing. Then again they sound good, and if you change the lyrics around it’s enough of a change to constitute a new song, hence why you listen to remix’s.
ang galing galing nila talaga………hehehehehe
ang galing galing nila talaga………hehehehehe
You Suck really u have no idea of Linkin Park really…..
At least you can see the dynamics though… right?
At least you can see the dynamics though… right?
of course you could say the same thing about Beethoven
but still they are too good
Maybe :) I thinks that you are aright ;) but the lyrics are different and inspirated from the real life. You can read more lyrics and more information on Linkin Park Blog: ;) It’s very nice ! Have a great day!
LINKIN PARK just won the best band at munich and every1 knows theyre great…theyre songs help u in life and theyre GREAT!!!!!
u guys dont know anythin about music…LP ROCKS!!
wow! you really opened a can of worms here, eh?
it went from interesting mixing, producing, song writing information to being on the bus with a bunch of ninth graders.
I never liked Linkin Park. And you have an interesting point there. But I have to say that I’m amazed by the fact that you still got comments for a post wrote more than one year ago : may 2007 ! I run myself a blog and wow, it’s impressive !!
By the way, I’m pretty sure Rage Against The Machine’s music could fit your theory…
> The formula Linkin Park use is highly successful and very listenable
I fully agree with that. (And FWIW, I love LP. As I said above, “the band and their producers deserve kudos for finding a formula for success and development”.)
So what if they s songs look same??!! Linking Park RULES and they will always rules!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! =) LP, love ya…..
Croatian girl…
You suck!!!!! LP RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoever thinks Linkin Park is not good…., i think you dont understand the fact that people like to listen to them because, they have a meaning in their songs. They talk about mundane stuff…things which are actually happening in reality and that too through a perspective of a person suffering from it. Talking about their music, they might have a formula which “works” and not just them…everyone uses it – mark my words – EVERY BAND USES IT. Unlike fucked up bands like the one mentioned in one of the comments – RRALP. In fact, if they are such musically talented people, why arent their songs being heard all over the world.
mind y’all, but those who appreciate music, appreciate LINKIN PARK – the rest are FUCKTARDS…
FUCK OFF all those who think LP sux…coz u know what…
you have some fucking loose connections in your screwed up brains that dont allow you to think…they allow to consume SHIT.
alright people, calm the *@#$^ mother*&#@!* down. just kidding, no seriously calm down. i don’t bite, relax.
i have one question for LP fans like me, i’m trying to find another band to listen to but can’t just find the right one =/
help please any suggestions =D
Dear LP Fan (LP ROX to the CORE),
“FUCK OFF all those who think LP sux…coz u know what…
you have some fucking loose connections in your screwed up brains that dont allow you to think…they allow to consume SHIT.”
love your comeback xD
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