Linkin Park’s singles often inspire the question “haven’t they already written this song?” An mp3 that does the rounds from time to time mixes Numb (on the left) and Pushing Me Away (on the right) to illustrate this with almost comical effect: All Linken Park Songs Sound Exactly The Same.
As shown below, and forgive the hyperbole, much more than they sound the same all Linkin Park songs look the same. And while it’s easy to criticize the band for their overuse of a formula that’s by now cliche, the similarity between their tracks at least holds a lesson on the importance of song arrangement in pop music production.
The Linkin Park Formula
The standard Linkin Park structure looks like this:
- Quiet intro: Each song has a relatively quiet two-measure intro.
- The instrumental kicker: The full band come in together on the down-beat, and play two or four high energy measures, usually instrumental.
- Quiet verse: The song eases off for a verse or two, heightening the dynamic contrast between the song’s sections.
- Heavy chorus: Usually the same chords established in the kicker, with Chester screaming over top for added emotion.
Here’s how it “looks” in practice. Each image below shows the audio level in (roughly) the first 90 seconds of a Linkin Park song. Note that I adjusted the tempo of a few tracks for better visual alignment:
If the pattern isn’t clear to you, mouse-over each image to highlight the 4 sections: Intro, kicker, verse, chorus. And click the title to hear the song on Youtube.
There’s nothing particularly surprising or innovative about the structure. But its repeated use by Linkin Park is clearly successful: They’re one of a few acts still selling lots of CDs.
Why It Works
There are several reasons why this song formula works, and whether or not you record pop music, understanding the reasons will make you a better producer:
Dynamic contrast: Our senses are drawn to change (remember why we listen to reference tracks while mixing?) so we find dynamic, evolving sounds more interesting. The up-and-down of a typical Linkin Park song grabs listeners’ attention on an instinctive level.
Memorable hooks: Because it’s often jarring, the kicker at the start of Linkin Park’s songs is memorable, and makes for a great hook. Pop songs hit or miss mainly on the effectiveness of their hooks.
Familiarity: For lovers, it breeds contempt. For pop music artists, familiarity breeds fans. It’s a truism in the traditional music industry that to succeed, a band needs a “sound.” Linkin Park’s re-use of the same basic song structure makes their music instantly recognizable, and lets their listeners feel immediately comfortable with new material.
Again, you may not write or record pop music. You may even despise the stuff. But knowing why a band would choose to re-use a formula like this will help you make better decisions about your own song arrangements (even if only to avoid having your music compared to Linkin Park.)
Cheap Gimmick?
What does this say about Linkin Park’s music?
On one hand, the band and their producers deserve kudos for finding and exploiting a successful formula. They’re in the entertainment business, after all, and appealing to fans is any entertainer’s number one job.
On the other hand, it’s hard not to view the six images above as a statement on the music industry. The major labels decry the actions of listeners who download music from free sources. But this is the alternative they offer: The same song, repackaged six different ways. The vast majority of music listeners who aren’t Linkin Park fans ask the same question I did in the first sentence, “Haven’t they already written this song?” And the obvious follow-up question, “Why would I pay for it more than once?”
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Props to “I made you a cookie but I eated it”. Pretty much sums up everything I would say, except for one thing. Stop calling this pop. Pop is BSB, Britney Spears, etc. Pop culture means popular culture, but pop music does not mean popular music. Popular music is classified as “top 40” in the music world. If someone says “I’m gonna go listen to some Kanye West,” and someone replies with “Oh yeah, he has some good pop music,” that someone will probably get killed =D Thanks for the cool remix of linkin park though, pretty tight. And try to spell Linkin Park correctly when you refer to them in your article trying (emphasis in the trying) to bash them. I love whoever said “ou could do this to Beethoven and Tchaikovsky… quiet intro, heavy, quiet, build up, chorus, shake, tuck, and zip… quit being a hater. its the formula of a SONG. this complaint is like saying, ‘why do we have to introduce ourselves upon meeting someone EVERYTIME???’” btw.
> Stop calling this pop. Pop is BSB, Britney Spears, etc.
> Popular music is classified as “top 40″ in the music world.
> your article trying (emphasis in the trying) to bash them.
Quote from the article above: “[T]he band and their producers deserve kudos for finding and exploiting a successful formula. They’re in the entertainment business, after all, and appealing to fans is any entertainer’s number one job.”
Yeah, looks like bashing to me ….
“oh my god right now they know what we’ve done”
“no people no give us a break we will make some new stuff”
I think its the first GLITCH they have EVER found about linkin park(even though its ridiculous) huh?
search the whole WWWWWWWWW to find somethin wrong with LP if you find anything then IM an ASSHOLE
This is true mostly for their last two albums, not the early songs.
We all should be more worried about all of our hard work ending up on agression building mp3’s. The format that is killing real audio. We must stop supporting inferiour end playback formats. Also song contests water down the idea of being creative for creatives sake!
All Linkin Park songs look the same. Well, it really doesn’t matter for me…
Beside I think that author of this article should look into ALL Linkin Park songs – NOT ONLY 6 tracks of them…
90 % of the people that I criticize to linkin park in this one Male prostitutes web develop of being fanatics of Hillary Duff and Paris Hilton since they do not know anything of music… Linkin Park is musical you Garbage, they have mas ear(hearing) that Beethoven
90 % of the people that I criticize to linkin park in this one Male prostitutes web develop of being fanatics of Hillary Duff and Paris Hilton since they do not know anything of music… Linkin Park is musical—you Garbage, they have mas ear(hearing) that Beethoven xD bony(osseous) Linkin Park vendio 40.000.000 of discs for producing the same shit? It seems to me that you are the repetitive Clowns
It dosen’t metter!
Linkin Park’s song are so good!
and that’s metter!
“> Stop calling this pop. Pop is BSB, Britney Spears, etc.
> Popular music is classified as “top 40″ in the music world.”
A wiki article isn’t going to cut it pal. Yes, Linkin Park is popular music, bu unlike the term pop-culture, when pop is used in reference to music, it refers to artists such as BSB and Spears, not just top-40. If you try to refer to Kanye West as pop, you will probably get punched in the face by everyone around you.
The music I like is better than the music you like. You’re a douche if you think otherwise.
LOL righteous indignation on the intarnets!
NO!!! All linkin park songs start quiet then loud. thats only the volume/bass mate! the songs are the same style, but totally different, listen to the songs, dont look at the bullshit shapes!!!
I noticed that you didn’t take any songs into account from Minutes to Midnight. The songs on that CD are very different from each other as well as their previous CDs. In fact, it had many fans upset because they were expecting something different. I love Linkin Park, their previous albums and their latest.
Great article.
It was perfectly fair and valid.
Linkin Park is mediocre at best, but that’s about it.
To all you LP fanboys, tone it down. You’re just embarrassing yourself.
And to all you idiot going “I doesnt know Linkin Park only leik had 6 songs lol” – those songs in the articles are fucking examples you stupid shits.
Everything you say to me takes me one step closer to the hedge and im about to rape…
This thread sucks man totally !. why i tell u all bcoz i know LP sounds same on every track but they do songs based on their genre ok its NU METAL. And not every track sounds da same ok. They deserve wat they r right now. Dont just listen da song but see the efforts put in to dat. The VOCALS the RAPPING the DRUMMING the GUITARING and the DJING dat all takes lots of practice u know so keep dat in mind and listen to LINKIN PARK. They give us what we want if u think they r doing wrong then go create ur qwn band FUCKERS. ( reply me on )
This seems like the case with the music industry at large – that’s why it’s called an industry. The people at the top are usually not musicians – just trained businesspeople who want to make money. Those people found LP, and found a formula. Since the formula sells, according to efficient business practices, they sell more of it to whoever will take it. Since most casual listeners don’t worry about creativity in song structure, it goes largely unnoticed in many bands, to my dismay. A lot of music has lost its soul as a result.
All i can really say is, Get fucked.
Although the majority wont agree with me, but if you have nothing better to do then sit there for hours trying to figure out a way for people to dislike Linkin Park, then mate get a life because they are an amazing band and who gives a shit if they “Start out Slow” its the aniticpation, it inspiries people..
Theyre lyrics are all unique, all different in their own way and if you had on creative bone for poetry in your body you would understand but obviously you dont.
Why dont you start a band and see how hard it is HMM.
Yeah didnt think so. Linkin park is the greatest band to live, Exscuse my language but. Seriously man.
First off, yeah, their songs may seem formulaic, almost all songs follow some structure such as this. I find Linkin Park was quite innovative at first. Their “freshness” tapered off somewhat with Meteora (understandably so). I don’t really know how to say it any more clearly though, there is a lot worse music out there. Oh and Kate, ‘seriously man’, Linkin Park is most definitely not the greatest band to live. They are ok. Broaden your horizons. Listen to all forms of music. The only way to truly appreciate an art form is to begin to appreciate art that you don’t necessarily enjoy. I just makes you a more open minded person. As my name suggests, I am a Tool fan. Try listening to them and analyzing their lyrics. You will be in for a treat.
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